2014: New news

baby-opossum-600x250Well the Possums have been off for a few weeks, scattered across the countryside on various musical and summer adventures. But August 23 we well reunite to play an interesting gig in Los Osos:, Boatzart. Yes, people come in by boat to see this show. Will that be you?all happening at the Pier.and then August 24, 3-6 pm, we will play the awesome Paradise Store in the Santa Barbara Back country. Ever been to Red Rock at the end of Pradise Road? well, you pass the store on the way. So perhaps you should make it a n all day outing. Good food, beautiful country, good music. Good idea.Anyway, see you around some bend soon the Honeysuckle Possums.


2014: Shoebefest


2014: CD Release Picnic and Concert